Your bequest means animals saved and safe.

The ARC bequest program is a lifeline for animals in need and the people who care for them. We ensure your donation and your legacy is put to the best possible use saving lives and helping others, in your name.

The wording to add in your will.

You simply have to include wording in your will and a donation/bequest. This donation can be financial or asset based (property etc). The following paragraph is a suggestion to updating your will :
“I leave $(Amount) to Animal Rescue Support Incorporated ABN 25 151 709 481 for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the secretary, treasurer, or other proper officer of that organization is a sufficient receipt for my Trustee and that my Trustee is not obliged to see to the application of this bequest.”

The above wording will need to be adapted for your particular circumstances. For example you may wish to leave a percentage of your assets to the Craft Guild (Animal Rescue Support Incorporated)  rather than a lump sum, or perhaps a particular valuable asset, such as shares, an antique, or real estate.

Contact Suzanne from ARC and the Craft Guild for more information

You should seek legal advice before using the recommended text and if you are concerned, email or fill inyour details below and we will talk with your legal representatives to discuss.

Why you should put your affairs in order

It is not always easy to think about making your Will, but it is the only way you can be absolutely sure that your Estate will pass to those who you wish to benefit and that you can choose the person who will look after your affairs.

By leaving clear and precise instructions about the disposal of your Estate, you will also save your loved ones from unnecessary distress at a time when they are least able to cope with it.

If you do not leave a valid Will, you are said to die ‘intestate’. Your estate will be divided according to legislation.

No part of your estate will go to a charity if you die intestate, so whatever you may have ‘said’ about leaving a gift to a charity, the only way to ensure this will happen is by including a bequest to the charity in your Will.


Leaving a lasting legacy

A bequest will make a massive difference to an organisation like ARC and the Craft Guild. You know our work well, we dont waste money, we save lives and we take on the hard programs no one else will.

Your legacy will mean building shelter infrastructure, expanding vet and care facilities and increasing the depth of our network of care centres. It will mean expanding our domestic violence, homeless support and hands on rescue programs. It will mean frontline support. It wont mean boards, fancy offices and politics. 

Just one legacy would change the ARC to change the world for animals and people. Your name, your legacy.