We do not buy or promote Kangaroo based products. We attempt at all times in the mammoth multi site logistics of our org to remove it from imagery.
We actively discuss with our vendors the reduction of Kangaroo use in food, they are well aware of it.
We reject Kangaroo based donations if they are offered to us.
However, sometimes donations in large loads have come in that may have a small number of bags of Kangaroo based food in it.
This is the same for any rescuer who has random bags of supply donations dropped off that have random items in amongst them, only on a far larger scale in 22 locations. If you are a rescuer, you know what that means.
ARC does not source kangaroo meat at all for any reason.
If we find Kangaroo based product already in our donations, rather than waste it this is donated to rescuers. We advise rescuers that we do not support Kangaroo based food but we wont waste the food and have an animal die to be put in the bin.
83% of the broader Wildlife rescue community agrees with this policy to give it out rather than waste it.
We don’t advertise it and will attempt to cover it (this is based on the feedback of 10% of rescuers). As we have hundreds of volunteers over many locations, this isn’t always going to happen and images may appear from time to time.
We are a volunteer organisation, bullying our volunteers and rescues we help over this issue will not achieve anything. Read our bullying policy here.
Where this policy came from?
We have surveyed hundreds of wildlife rescuers over a public, well advertised 10 day survey in September 2022. The question was “what do we do with Kangaroo that has already been donated“
Note the key question is/was. “What should be done with Kangaroo product that has already been donated (in large mixed donations) and is already here”.
The issue is controversial, however we will adopt the broad and mature feedback of Wildlife carers and not waste what is already with us.
We will not boycott our vendors and shut down our org and the work we do to help thousands of rescuers, just on this issue (as activists have demanded).
We are a volunteer supply support org, not a platform for activists.
If you are fixated on scanning our images for any sign of Kangaroo in photo’s it says a lot about you (and doesn’t save any animals).
If you don’t like that policy, start your own support org.
Q. But I read on the internet you accept Kangaroo donations? Nope, the people saying that are purposely not giving you the full story in order to make you think and say bad things about us. By telling you only half the story, they aim to extract your horrified response. Check the facts first. This policy is the facts.
Q. But I read on the internet you give out free Kangaroo to domestic pet owners? Nope, the people saying that are also not telling you the full story because they want you to think and say bad things about us. The majority of our donations are given to rescuers. In the event of an emergency we also support people who are struggling to feed their animals (Lismore floods is a good example) but that is a small part of our work.
Q. But I read on the internet you just don’t want to upset your vendors & get money? Nope, far simpler than that. The people saying that want you to think and say bad things about us. Most vendors don’t give us financial support. This is as simple as we have explained.
Q. But I read on the internet (insert story here) … Much of what you read on the internet is one sided or even false. Just like most rescuers, we have our fair share of internet characters fixated on us. This policy and these reasons are what we do and why. Speculation on social media is often just “Internet Graffiti”, designed for shock and selfies, then quickly washed off.
(Personal opinion of individuals on social media has for a long time created an unhealthy environment for charities to navigate, that’s why most of them get ignored. But that’s another story.)
Q. I run a Facebook group and someone is putting Anti ARC posts on it. What do I do? It is a very common tactic to discredit one organisation by using others they work with. It’s called “abuse by proxy”. EG, making problems and creating time wasting arguments, forcing conflict. We aren’t entering the discussion, it’s done. Our policy is here, we know who we are and what we do. Our actions speak for themselves.
Publish whatever you like on your own page and if it is misrepresenting the truth, your call. Ask yourself “is this healthy or toxic”? Read the pages of the people sharing the information. Do they look like they are positively contributing to rescue or just attacking others online. Have they ever contributed to your work or is this just another way of attacking another charity. Your call.
Q “Is there much Kangaroo” – No. We have been in the past offered a large amount of mixed meats by VIP and we simply rejected it. We are aware that other groups took it, but when we know about it, it doesn’t come here.
Q. But the RSPCA said they wouldn’t put it on their shelves? If they can do it so can you? The RSPCA operates a small retail environment with a very different supply chain than us. They have paid staff managing a tiny amount of retail product which they buy and sell. We have volunteers getting random donations in the truck load all over the country which could have anything in it. We reject at point of offer, but if something has already arrived at a hub it is already here. RSPCA can simply stop buying product and it stops coming. Very different.
Q. I don’t understand, cant you just stop donations coming in? Like any rescuer, we receive large and often mixed loads of supplies including broken bags, pallets and other items. Most of the time we do not know what we have until it is being outbounded and even if we did, it is already here. Ever been donated a bag of towels only to find if has pillow cases in it? Try that times a thousand in 30+ locations in the middle of a natural disaster.
(also, think about it, donations are the lifeblood of rescue, it is counterproductive to shut them down so it all gets thrown out)
Q. Why do you cover over the word Kangaroo on donations? Based on the feedback of rescuers we attempted not to show Kangaroo based donations that are given to rescuers. If we show them, someone will be unhappy, if we dont show them, someone will be unhappy, if we cover them, someone will be unhappy. Cant win that discussion. We no longer cover the donations.
Q. This is a conflict of interest? I demand you stop helping wildlife carers! No, it is not. Legally a COI is very different. We do not accept Kangaroo based products, however the product that we find in our supply chain we donate to rescuers rather than throwing it in the bin and wasting that animals life. That is not a COI. (A COI may be if we were sourcing it actively) . We are also not going to stop helping Wildlife carers, that is counterproductive.
Q. I don’t believe you did a survey! this is BS! Just because you didnt respond, doesnt mean it didnt happen. The survey went to over 3000 Wildlife carers (twice) and was published and advertised on our page twice. It was completed by hundreds of rescuers, many who are senior leaders in the kangaroo community. You can see the questions here. They are not loaded or rigged questions they are very straight forward to get a clear answer, and they encourage “other” responses, which were also very good with helping policy.
Q. That is 100% bullshit!. ARC should publish the names of these people! What liars!! (This was actually stated by a lawyer activist who doesn’t rescue Kangaroos). For obvious reasons (based on this reaction) we don’t publish the names of these rescuers so that they can then be bullied and attacked by extremists. As a lawyer, you should understand this, Annie.
Q I demand you boycott your vendors. That will make a statement! If you don’t I will cause trouble for you. No it will not, it will simply shut down our org and mean thousands of rescuers and animals suffer. Having ARC at the table talking to vendors on this issue makes a statement. Shutting own our organisation means we are no longer in those discussions (and nor are the activists). It is not helping the argument at all.
Vendors take one look at the threats and extortion we get and say “well, we will ignore those people then”. Lose the battle, lose the war.
Q. But I posted Kangaroo torture pictures online and blamed your volunteers for them, I demand you do as I say or I will keep doing it! This is how doors close. ARC is not the people who buy or use Kangaroo, no amount of sensationalism or trying to harm our volunteers by making people think we are linked to it will be honest or have an outcome. This is why people do not trust the activists. It is more about effect than outcome.
Q. I demand you throw any Kangaroo you find in the bin! That is not the views of Wildlife carers we have asked about this topic, specifically “if we find Kangaroo already in our hubs from a mixed donation, what should we do with it” 9% said throw it in the bin, 73% said give it out and don’t waste it, 10% said give it out but cover reference to Kangaroo. Why waste an animals life just to be thrown in the bin.
Q. I demand you stop helping wildlife carers! I will cause problems with them if you don’t! No, we will not stop supporting Wildlife carers, they need all the help they can get. Think about it. If we only helped Companion animal carers do you think it would help the Kangaroo issue at all? We have our policies and they mean we can help across a broad section of rescue and emergencies to support as many animals as possible. The fact that this is one of the activist demands says a lot about the motivation (it’s not about helping animals).
Note: There have been more demands from activists, some have been taken on board, however many are designed purely to close down our organisation and harm volunteers, rescuers, animals & partners to make their statement. or we will be smashed with hate speech and fake stories. We have seen that for months now. Not productive. Some activists openly state it is totally fine that they shop in places that sell Kangaroo or use products made by Kangaroo manufacturers . . but they want ARC and it’s volunteers, rescuers to do what they demand (and all the work) or face constant abuse. Selfish and counter productive.
Q+A on bullying.
ARC like many rescuers has received every possible threat, attack and blackmail you would imagine. The majority of these are from people simply here to cause harm and disrupt another charity. We encourage people to contact us first to ask about reality before listening to online bullies. They represent a tiny fraction of actual rescuers (less than .01%) however are the most vocal. We work with the other 99.99%
Q. “I have defamed your organisation and it’s volunteers repeatedly on social media and encouraged others to join in. I’m shocked you are calling me a bully, I’m going to complain”. Answer – That is what online bullies do. Easy way to stop it, stop bullying people. Just leave us alone.
Q. “But I wrote a survey? You must do what I demand”. No amount of rigged surveys or Facebook posts change physics. Our challenge is explained clearly. If you keep avoiding the logistics you avoid the issue and nothing gets solved.
Q. “Why are you answering back when I bully your volunteers, that is so unprofessional”. If you bully or attack volunteers you may be rebutted, you certainly don’t get rewarded. We would rather not have our volunteers being bullied in the first place. Just leave us alone.
Q. “But you have said things about people who bully your volunteers and defame your charity?”. We have exposed bullies. On certain pages there are a collection of people, some (not all) have a very bad back catalog. When people who have had animals taken off them for welfare reasons (just one example) demand we do what they want or they will harm our charity and its volunteers, it is what it is. Just leave us alone.
Q. “Does this mean if I abuse and bully ARC volunteers my animals may not get help?” Answer – Absolutely it does. This is the same dealing with everyone from the government to red cross to your local fruit shop. If you threaten, bully or abuse our volunteers you are directly impacting support of your animals. You are responsible for your own actions. Just leave us alone.
Q. You must let me put my demands and opinions on your Facebook page or I will defame you! We are a charity that helps animal rescuers, not a platform for someone’s personal views and demands. We are not here to argue a point on social media, we are here to provide support to those in need. There are other avenues to those who want to pressure politicians and others. Just leave us alone.
Q. “But I was just asking questions”. Answer – Nope, you weren’t. If you continually badger our team about your views, it is bullying. If you are part of a collective posting hate speech online . . it is bullying. If you demand that we do what you ask or you will smash us all over the internet, it is bullying. No matter how you frame your language, clearly loaded questions or whether you put a smiley face at the end. If you are pushing your personal agenda, threats, demands and conspiracy theories it is still bullying. Just leave us alone.
If you don’t think we do enough, that our volunteer charity that helps thousands of people and animals is not good enough? That’s ok, your opinion. Just leave us alone and we will get on with helping animals. Think about it, why target a charity that saves animals lives and helps those that do.
99% of people get it. 1% are here for the wrong reasons. ARC is not a platform for your activism, politics, dislike of other orgs, personal grievances or food choices. We are a support org. Drawing us into your issues directly harms the help for rescuers and animals in care.
f you have a legitimate concern about an issue in our org email the board here and it will be looked at from a board level – feedback@arcsupport.org.au.
Common sense and good manners. 99% of people get it. 1% are here for the wrong reasons. Good brings good. Good has gravity.
Have a suggestion?
Requests have been made to ARC about this issue. Some sensible and have been taken onboard and acted on. Some completely impossible and would do more harm than good. We are a volunteer org and we do our best with the time and resources we have. This means maintaining a healthy, positive environment for the rescuers we work with, sponsors who help the animals in care and the volunteers that make this all possible.
If you have questions or suggestions about our policy, please email feedback@arcsupport.org.au. We DO take on board suggestions, but be reasonable, be factual, be authentic. If you are just here for a fight there are plenty of sites we can point you to.
This is an important issue. There is a very clear tide of change around this issue. Everyone has a part in that.
ARC is the the largest donor and support org for rescuers in Australia. None of our board are paid, our teams all do this in our free time to help you. We welcome anyone to establish a similar program and do it differently or better, with the many competing people and issues in rescue.
Animal Rescue Cooperative (ARC)
Supporting animals and rescuers nationally
ACNC Listed Charity
Animal Rescue Support Incorporated ABN 25151709481