Manage and understand your donations

Sponsor or donation to save animals

Manage your sponsorship

If you sponsored before March 31st 2023

You can get receipts and information about your sponsorship and donations in our portal. 

  • If you have made a one off donation at any time
  • you became a monthly sponsor before April 2023, you can manage
You can manage your sponsorship by clicking here. 

If you sponsored in April 2023 or later

If you became a monthly sponsor in April 2023 or later, you can manage your monthly donations (eg, recurring, automatic donations) by clicking here. 

If you are looking for one off donations made in this period they still go through our normal tool. Click here

Bank direct deposit donations

You can do a direct deposit donation to ARC at our Commonwealth Bank

Account Animal Rescue Support Inc
BSB 062171
Acc 10393877

When you have done this message or message us by clicking here. for an invoice (these are manual for bank transactions)

Our charity status

ARC is a registered charity in Australia. We are licenced for fundraising 

Licensee: Animal Rescue Support Incorporated
Licence Status: Current. Licence Type: Charitable Fundraising

ABN: 25 151 709 481

ARC is registered with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission) – Click here to see the registration and is a tax deductible gift recipient 

Having issues accessing donations? See below

Sometimes when people made donations or set up sponsorships they opted to not set up a user account. This special login below will give non users access to their donation history.

You will need to remember the email address you used (the most common request for support is people forgetting the email address used 🙂  – if you still have issues email

Please verify your email to access your donation history.

Any issues email or message us by clicking here.

Thank you for supporting the ARC.